Microcystis が優占種化するシアノバクテリア群の細胞内動態に関するメタボローム解析
- 牧野 育代・矢作 裕司・中山 貴博・小林 厚志
- 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 75, I-673-I-678 (2019)
Kinetic Analysis of Drying Process of Gelatinized Starch to Investigate the Effect of Boric Acid
- Atsushi Kobayashi, Nanami Kamizawa, Yuto Hoshino, Hiroshi Itoh, and Yasushi Numata
- ECS Transactions, 88, 3-8 (2018)
- 小林厚志、星野優人、上沢七海、伊藤博
- 高分子論文集, 75,99-102(2018)
UV Absorption of n-Alkyl 1-thio-β-D-glucopyranosides and its Utilization in Chromatographic Separation
- Hiroshi Itoh, Fabio Pichierri, Atsushi Kobayashi
- Tetrahedron Letters, 58, 3678-3680 (2017)
Changes in the chemical ecology of blue-green algae during periods of active growth
- Ikuyo Makino, Yuji Yahagi, Takahiro Nakayama and Atsushi Kobayashi
- Proceedings of the 16th World Lake Conference, 52-58 (2017)